International Journal of Nursing and Health Care Research

Gavin Publishers
ISSN: 2688-9501
Abbreviation: IJNHR
Impact Factor: 4.64
DOI Prefix: 10.29011/2688-9501
Publication Type Peer Reviewed
Publishing Model Open Access
Journal Category: Nursing and Healthcare Journals

About the Journal

Welcome to the "International Journal of Nursing and Health Care Research", a leading peer-reviewed open access high impact factor journal publication dedicated to advancing the knowledge and practice of nursing and healthcare. Our journal provides a platform for researchers, scholars, and practitioners to contribute to the evolving field of healthcare through high-quality, original research and thought-provoking articles.

Mission and Scope

At the International Journal of Nursing and Health Care Research, our mission is to foster excellence in nursing and healthcare research by publishing cutting-edge studies, reviews, and scholarly articles. We aim to promote the dissemination of knowledge that enhances patient care, nursing education, and healthcare policy.

Our scope encompasses a wide range of topics within the field of nursing and healthcare, including but not limited to:

  1. Nursing Practice and Education: IJNHR welcomes submissions that explore best practices in nursing care, innovative educational approaches, and the integration of evidence-based practice in clinical settings.

  2. Health Care Delivery: The journal seeks research that contributes to the improvement of health care systems, patient outcomes, and the overall quality of health care services.

  3. Patient-Centered Care: IJNHR encourages studies that investigate patient experiences, preferences, and the impact of nursing interventions on patient satisfaction and well-being.

  4. Health Promotion and Prevention: Manuscripts addressing health promotion, disease prevention, and community health initiatives are welcomed, with a focus on nursing roles and contributions.

  5. Interdisciplinary Research: We invite interdisciplinary research that explores the intersection of nursing with other healthcare disciplines, fostering collaboration and holistic approaches to patient care.

  6. Innovations in Nursing Technology: IJNHR is interested in research on the development and application of technological innovations in nursing practice, education, and healthcare delivery.

Read More At Aims and Scope Page

Peer Review Process

We uphold the highest standards of academic rigor through our thorough peer-review process. Submissions undergo a double-blind peer review, ensuring that the evaluation is unbiased and based on the merit of the work. Our esteemed panel of reviewers consists of experts in various nursing and healthcare disciplines.

Open Access

The International Journal of Nursing and Health Care Research is committed to the principles of open access, making research findings easily accessible to a global audience. Open access accelerates the dissemination of knowledge and promotes collaboration among researchers worldwide.

Publication Frequency:

The journal is published monthly, providing a timely platform for researchers to share their discoveries and contribute to ongoing dialogues within the healthcare community.

How to Submit

We invite researchers, scholars, and practitioners to submit their original manuscripts for consideration. Detailed guidelines for submission can be found on our Manuscript Preparation & Submission Guidelines page.

Editorial Team

Our editorial team comprises distinguished professionals in the field of nursing and healthcare. They bring a wealth of experience and expertise to ensure the quality and relevance of published content.

Indexing & Abstracting

All published articles are assigned to Digital Object Identifier (DOI) – Crossref.

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  • Index Copernicus
  • Genamics – JournalSeek
  • Academic Keys
  • ResearchBib - Academic Research Index
  • Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research
  • International Innovative Journal Impact Factor (IIJIF)
  • Open J-Gate
  • Dimensions AI
  • Semantic Scholar
  • Directory of Journals indexing
  • WorldCat
  • CrossRef
  • All NIH Funded Articles will be Indexed in PubMed

All published articles are permanently archived and available at Gavin Publishers website in HTML and PDF formats.

Why Choose Our Journal

  • 400+ High Quality Nursing & Health Care Articles Published
  • High Impact Factor Journal
  • We maintain high standard peer review publications.
  • We ensure optimum quality standard is maintained in every publication.
  • Increased visibility of the publication and provides free, unrestricted global access.
  • We provide higher readership, visibility and impact of your publications
  • The authors reserve the copyrights of the article and articles are published under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

Contact Us

For inquiries, collaborations, or general information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at . We eagerly anticipate your contributions and engagement with the International Journal of Nursing and Health Care Research.

Thank you for your interest in the International Journal of Nursing and Health Care Research. We eagerly await receiving your Manuscript Submissions and sharing your valuable medical and clinical experiences and insights with our readers. Your contributions will enrich our journal and advance the field of nursing and healthcare research.

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Editorial Board

Dauphne Sims

Dauphne Sims


Feifei Pu

Feifei Pu


Chung-Yi Chen

Chung-Yi Chen


Jiyoung Kim

Jiyoung Kim

South Korea

Maria Malliarou

Maria Malliarou


Nick Bakalis

Nick Bakalis


Kathy T. Morris

Kathy T. Morris


Tulay Okman-Kilic

Tulay Okman-Kilic


Marlene Whigham

Marlene Whigham


Catherine Olubummo

Catherine Olubummo


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